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RI The future of stewardship survey

The future of stewardship
Thank you for taking a couple of minutes to complete our survey. 

Please note your response will remain entirely anonymous.

If you have any other comments on this topic, please contact Paul Verney, Features Writer at
1. What type of investor are you?
2. What is your organisation's AUM in USD?
3. Where are you based? 
4. What is your role in your organisation?
5. Has the power of stewardship been oversold when it comes to sustainability?
6. How has your belief in the power of stewardship/ engagement to address systemic risks, like climate change, altered in the last 3-5 years?   
7. Who is responsible for stewardship at your firm (tick all that apply)?
8. Have you seen, or do you expect to see, any shifts in the allocation of responsibility for stewardship at your organisation (e.g. portfolio managers playing a greater role in engagements)?
9. Do you see any tension between stewardship and investment teams at your organisation?
10. Do you define internally what constitutes an engagement activity?
11. Does your organisation have a dedicated system to track the progress of engagements?
12. Does your organisation report on outcomes of engagement? 
13. Do you expect your reporting on engagement to change in the next 2-3 years?
14. Regulators including ESMA have raised concerns about engagement claims and greenwashing. Has this affected how your organisation speaks publicly about stewardship?
15. Is reporting on engagement efforts through stewardship codes beneficial?
16. Should disclosure of engagement be built into regulation such as the EU's SFDR?