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Scottish Chambers of Commerce Quarterly Economic Indicator Q1 2024

The Scottish Chambers of Commerce Quarterly Economic Indicator (QEI), conducted in partnership with the Fraser of Allander Institute, is Scotland's longest running business survey.

The QEI is consistently covered by national media and plays an essential role in setting the business agenda, as well as informing policymakers of the issues affecting Scottish businesses and the Scottish economy.

Responses to this survey are anonymous, and data is stored securely on servers based in Europe.

This survey applies to the first quarter of 2024.  Please answer any questions in the context of your business experience across January, February, and March of 2024.
1. How does your current business confidence compare with...
Space Cell HigherLevelLower
Last quarter?
Last year?
2. How have your business' revenues changed since last quarter?
Space Cell IncreasedRemained ConstantDecreasedN/A
Total revenue
Domestic revenue (Scotland)
Rest of UK revenue
Export revenue
3. How have your investment trends changed since last quarter?
Space Cell IncreasedRemained ConstantDecreasedN/A
Total investment expenditure
Capital investment
Training investment