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UNISON Fair Work First Survey - ELLON

Care Workers should have "Fair Work"

Scottish Government has a “Fair Work” policy for those working in public services.  If you work in social care. This means you!
UNISON is collecting views from social care workers in PETERHEAD across all employers. The goal is to improve the quality of social care by improving your working life. Please complete this survey for the chance to win a hamper.
1. Are you aware the SSSC is planning to make substantial changes to how the registration process works?
Do you have SECURITY at work?  Yes / No
For example, clear, accessible policies and procedures.  Avoiding long term use of agency staff or zero-hour contracts. Paying at least the Living Wage.
  *This question is required.
Do you have an EFFECTIVE VOICE at work?  Yes / No
For example, the chance to air your views, and influence outcomes.  Transparency around the future of the organisation.  Accessible information about trade unions. *This question is required.
Do you have OPPORTUNITY at work?  Yes / No
For example, mentoring to support new workers.  Investing in and utilise the skills and knowledge of union equality, learning and other workplace representatives. *This question is required.
Do you have RESPECT at work?  Yes / No
For example, a balance of work and family life.  Good health and safety and wellbeing practices? Flexible working practices.
  *This question is required.
Do you get FULFILMENT at work?  Yes / No
For example, work that is sufficiently but not excessively challenging.  Access to additional training. Adequate support. *This question is required.
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