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Become a community influencer - help improve the health and wellbeing of your community!

Healthwatch Waltham Forest
  • listens to what local people think of health and social care services and shares their views with the people who have the power to make services better.
  • helps local people to find the health and care services and support they need.
  • runs, co-ordinates and supports events, projects and activities to build strong networks with the local community and health and care providers. 
We aim to be run by, and reflect, local people and the local community. In order to be able to do that we need your help.

We are looking for local people who can give feedback on the health and care services they use, act as a voice to talk about community views on services and who can come up with suggestions of how the health and wellbeing of the community could be improved.

We need a really wide range of residents to make sure everybody’s views are heard. We don’t expect that you will want to get involved in everything we do so we’ve put together a series of questions to understand more about you, what you’re interested in and how you’d like to get involved. We’re not trying to be nosey and you can skip questions if you don’t want to answer them.
How would you like to get involved in supporting the work of Healthwatch Waltham Forest?
Please check all that applies
2. Would you like to be notified of opportunities to get involved in commenting on the topics you indicated are of interest to you, and/or helping to design services relating to these topics?
This could involve things like answering a questionnaire, taking part in an interview, a group conversation, a public consultation/forum or other such engagement activities.
2.  What topics are you most interested in?
2. You said you would be interested in our engagement on the topic of using NHS services.

Which of these topics are you interested in?
2. You said you would be interested in our engagement on the topic of long-term conditions, disabilities or neurodiversity.

Which of these topics are you interested in?
2. You said you would be interested in our engagement on the topic of social care (support to take care of yourself), carers issues.

Which of these topics are you interested in?
2. You said you would be interested in our engagement on the topic of social issues and inequality.

Which of these topics are you interested in?
2.  You said you would be interested in our engagement on the topic of helping people to be healthy - prevention.

Which of these topics are you interested in?
2. What kind of volunteering would you be interested in doing? Let us know what you’re interested in, and we can send more information about how you can help and how to get involved.
Check all that applies
2. In return for your insights and time we commit to providing you with reports and summaries based on resident views and to let you know of any opportunities to help design services in the future. Would you like to receive...?
4. The easiest way for us to contact you in most cases is by email. Does this work for you?
5. How do you prefer to be contacted?
Check all that applies.
5. Are you comfortable communicating in English?
We have got a few questions about you now, it’s not because we’re nosey or want to be intrusive, it’s because we want to tailor the information we send to you and because we want to be able to check that we are reaching a fair reflection of our local community.
Please leave blank any questions you prefer not to answer
8. What is your gender?
9. Which area of Waltham Forest do you live in?
9. Do you identify as the same gender you were assigned at birth?
10. What is your ethnicity?
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
If you prefer not to disclose your date of birth, can you tell us which of these age categories you currently belong to?
13. Do any of these describe you?
Please check all that applies
14. You told us that you consider yourself to be disabled.
What is the nature of your disability? 
Please check all that applies
14. You told us that you consider yourself to be neurodivergent.
What is the nature of your neurodivergence? 
Please check all that applies
In order to process your data, we need your consent.

We are processing your data in agreement with GDPR and relevant UK legislation. All your data will be stored securely in our Community Insights System, hosted in the UK and password-protected. You can request to see your data or to have any part of it removed from the Community Insights System.

Any data you share with us will never be used for any other purposes except those outlined below:
  • Anonymised reporting of your feedback to improve health and social care services
  • Contacting you about engagement opportunities relevant to you
  • Contacting you about the findings and impact of our engagement activities.
  • Signposting and/or referral to services relevant to your needs, upon your explicit request
Unless stated otherwise, information such as your comments regarding your use of NHS and social care services and opinion of said services (including reviews, answers to surveys or interviews and comments submitted to us by any other means) will be redacted to exclude any reference to the names of any individuals- including but not limited to yourself, any other service users and professionals involved in your care; as well as any details identified as posing a risk of identifying you our any other individual.

Information about your name and contact details will be stored separately from other personal data, such as your experience with health and social care services or your demographic characteristics.
15. Other NHS and Local Authority health and care providers want, and need, to engage with local people. We think it would be a great idea if we could work together and engage with you in a more joined up way. That means we’d join up our involvement opportunities and share the stories you tell us with the people most likely to be able to make a difference. Would you be okay if we shared your contact details with the organisations listed below so we can work better together?

We will focus on contacting you only on the issues that you said you were interested in and in the way that you prefer: