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Lived Experience Volunteers

Engagement Opportunities for those with Lived Experience of Crime

The Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Thames Valley is always trying to improve support services offered to victims of crime in our area. To help us do so, we run occasional online surveys and sometimes optional in-person engagement events to hear feedback directly from people who have experienced the services available in the Thames Valley. We use this valuable feedback to make changes and improvements to the help that is offered.

All engagement opportunities are optional, even if you provide your details, and you can opt out of the scheme at any time by sending us an email on, or by replying to one of our engagement emails. We will only use the details provided to us for the above purpose and will not share them.

Whether or not you reported the crime to the police, if you have experienced crime in the Thames Valley and would like to help shape the future of services for victims, please fill in the following survey with your details.