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Redundancy Support Questionnaire

Thank you for getting in touch. Completing the following survey will enable us to assist you further.

1. The information provided will only be shared with our partner organisations (for full details

I have read and understood the above *This question is required.
Please complete the following details so we can get in touch with you *This question is required.
What support do you currently need? *This question is required.
If your job is at risk, there are various courses you could access to help your career development and well-being. Which courses would you like to find out more about? Please note these are just examples. *This question is required.
Would you benefit from an information session with a career advisor to discuss your further options and funding for training?
If you are over 50, you could also attend mid-life review webinars. They are delivered online and last only 1 hour.

Benefits of attending a mid-career review webinar:
  • Opportunity to reflect and consider wants and needs for the future
  • Enhanced confidence to focus on plans and make changes
  • More informed on where to seek further guidance on relevant topics
  • Increased resilience to deal with personal and professional challenges
  • Help to improve health and wellbeing
Which one would you like to attend?
URTU E-Learning Academy offers free access to over 700 online courses. For you to gain access, we need to create your unique learning account for the first course and you will be able to add other courses once you have logged in.

To find out more, please visit: E-Learning Academy - URTU Learning (

If you would like us to create an account for you, please choose ONE course from the list below: *This question is required.
ReAct Programme

If you have been made redundant or unemployed in the past 12 months, or you are under current notice of redundancy, you could be entitled to ReAct funding to retrain or update your skills.

You should contact Working Wales for information, advice and guidance about the support available. Working Wales’ advisers cannot provide a face-to-face service but you can receive advice over the telephone on 0800 028 4844.

Money Helper

Free guidance on benefits, money troubles, everyday money, homes, pensions and retirement, savings, and work

The Money Midlife MOT is a tool to help you assess your current financial situation and plan for the future. Your personalised report will tell you what to prioritise and link to guidance on how to improve your financial well-being from midlife through to retirement.

CV Writing and Interviews

Advice on creating a CV

Interview Techniques

Personal Learning Accounts

A Personal Learning Account will allow you to study fully funded, flexible part-time courses around your existing responsibilities.

Further learning

How to look for courses in Wales:

Looking after your mental health

Keep in touch with URTU Learning

Subscribe to our newsletter to keep in touch with our WULF project even if you change your employer
Current information on the mid-life review webinars can be found here:

Age Cymru ¦ Age at Work (