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NEAMWave23 Subscription Form

Participation (NEAMWave23)

Each ICG/NEAMTWS Member State is invited to participate in the NEAMWave23 exercise. Participation levels may be different because it is up to each Member State to freely decide if and how to be part of the exercise. Member States wishing to participate in NEAMwave23 exercise have to fill in the online exercise subscription form provided here. TWFP/NTWC/TNCs of the Member States that are not a subscriber to a TSP yet, are specifically encouraged to subscribe to the NEAMWave23 scenario they are interested in since the exercise would be a good opportunity to subscribe to the activities of the TSPs, and they would be further encouraged to be permanent recipients of the TSPs. Each NEAMTWS Member State can choose to participate in one or more scenarios, since all of them are taking place in different half-days, therefore avoiding overlapping. Participation in the different scenarios should be decided on the basis of the Member State’s interest in the relative scenario play (i.e. the geographical area of interest). For each scenario chosen, the Member State has to specify which of the two or three phases will see its involvement. To participate in NEAMWave23, the minimum involvement requested for each chosen scenario is Phase A. However, the main aim of the exercise is to have CPA involved as much as possible, together with the respective tsunami message recipients (Tsunami Warning Focal Points/National Tsunami Warning Centres, TWFP/NTWC’s). Therefore, it is strongly recommended to also implement Phase B, and one of the exercise types.

Kindly complete the NEAMWave23 subscription form and press submit at the end of the survey.

About the Exercise Scenarios

Two exercise scenarios will be simulated in NEAMWave23 by  Tsunami Service Providers (TSPs).

  1. IPMA (Portugal) & CENALT (France) will perform a joint scenario in the North-Eastern Atlantic (1761 Atlantic Earthquake)
  2. INGV (Italy), NOA (Greece), and KOERI (Türkiye) will perform a joint scenario in the Eastern Mediterranean (Hellenic Arc)

We will next ask you to select the scenario(s) you would like to participate in. 

The subscribers of joint scenarios will receive the exercise messages from all responsible TSPs.
1. Country and Organization Participating in the Exercise - Exercise Coordinator (Provide contact details to receive tsunami warning messages during the exercise). Note: more than one email address, phone number, SMS number, and fax number can be added but need to be separated by a semicolon punctuation mark (;)
Your role in NEAMTWS:
Are you a permanent subscriber to any of the TSPs?
If yes, to which?
Appointment of National Contact for Exercise (See section 5.3 for role definition details. Provide contact details to receive tsunami warning messages during the exercise). Note: more than one email address, phone number, SMS number, and fax number can be added but need to be separated by a semicolon punctuation mark (;)
5.1 If Participating in Phase C, Kindly Provide Contact Information of Civil Protection
6. Kindly provide the contact information of any other Observer Specifically for the Exercise