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Scouts website survey

Welcome to the Scouts website survey!

We have created this survey for young people, parents/carers/guardians and volunteers involved in Scouts to understand their thoughts and experiences of the Scouts website. When talking about the Scouts website, we mean

Whether you are a young person (at least 13 years of age), a parent/guardian, a current volunteer, or a key stakeholder - we want to hear from you!

Why we are running this survey
The Survey gives us vital insight into how you think and feel about the website, which helps us inform how to improve what we do.

We use the feedback we gain from this survey to plan how to improve our content, tools and resources that support volunteers, parents and young people to get the best out of Scouts.

How long is it?
It should about 5 - 10 minutes to complete. You can always save it and come back to it later if needed.

Thank you 
We really appreciate you taking the time to fill out this survey and tell us how you feel about the Scouts website. This feedback will allow us to support you, and the whole Scouting community!

What happens to my data?
The data you provide us is securely stored in our internal encrypted servers and online in the Alchemer survey tool, in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law. The only personally identifiable information we collect in this survey is your email address if you have agreed to be contacted about future research. All of the information you provide will be anonymised, and only the Scouts website team will have access to this information. 

If you have any concerns about how data is being used for this survey you can contact: For more information on how we manage personal data please see our Data Protection Policy
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