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Orange Innovation Hub – 5G Hackathon Registration

5G Hackathon

Survey Description:

5G Hackathon

Orange Jordan is looking for innovative solutions that use 5G across named industry verticals to unlock the potential in Jordan and prepare Jordanian youth for the next digital revolutions.

In this hackathon we want you and your team to build functional prototype that leverage 5G & new emerging technologies such as AI and ML, IoT, Virtualization, AR/VR/MR, NLP, Cloud Computing, Web 3.0 or blockchain in one of the following industry verticals: Entertainment & Gamification, Smart Retail and Digital Education.

Prerequisite to be selected is that teams that apply must have an innovative idea that has realistic potential to be developed into a functional prototype during the preparation phase and the hackathon. Team size has to be between 2 - 6 persons and all persons must be residents in the Jordan.

The 5G hackathon will happen during 02 - 06 July, 2023 as a in Orange Innovation Hub. Up to 6 teams will be selected to join the hackathon based on team profiles and project submissions. Nokia will be our technical partner in this hackathon. Intaj will be our partner in this hackathon

Read more about the Industry Verticals, Prizes, Resources, and Timeline below.

Industry verticals in the hackathon

Entertainment & Gamification
Incorporating gamification and entertainment elements into various industries can enhance engagement and provide unique experiences. How can we leverage 5G technology in Jordan to create innovative gamified solutions and entertainment experiences? Explore how 5G can enable immersive gaming, interactive entertainment, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and other engaging applications that can revolutionize the entertainment industry and bring new opportunities for businesses and consumers in Jordan.

Smart Retail
With the rise of e-commerce and changing consumer behavior, how can we utilize 5G technology to enhance the retail industry in Jordan? Explore solutions that leverage 5G's ultra-fast speeds, low latency, and massive connectivity to enable seamless shopping experiences, personalized recommendations, smart inventory management, and efficient supply chain operations. Transform traditional retail into smart retail by harnessing the power of 5G connectivity and creating innovative solutions that benefit both retailers and customers in Jordan.

Digital Education
In the era of digital transformation, how can we leverage 5G technology to enhance digital education in Jordan? Explore solutions that leverage 5G's high-speed connectivity and low latency to enable immersive virtual classrooms, remote learning experiences, collaborative platforms, and personalized learning approaches. By harnessing the power of 5G, we can shape the future of education in Jordan and provide learners with innovative digital tools and experiences that enhance their learning journey.

- To be confirmed
- Hackathon certificates by Orange Jordan
- Giveaways from Orange Jordan
- Orange Innovation Hub will provide incubation & networking opportunities for winning teams

- Access to high tech, including 5G connectivity, powerful PCs, and VR/AR headsets
- Technical mentorship provided by Nokia
- Business mentorship

Data Protection Policy:
What will we do with the data? The data collected from this survey will be used for tracking of your engagement in the program and evaluating the program’s performance. Your answers will be treated confidentially, and what you wrote will not be revealed to others besides the people of the monitoring and evaluation of the program. Your study data will be handled as confidentially as possible, and all procedures are compliant with Jordanian Privacy Laws. If results of this study are published or presented, individual names and other personally identifiable information will not be used.
2. Name *This question is required.
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5. Gender *This question is required.
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Please enter your number in the format (07xxxxxxxx) This question requires a valid number format.
Please enter your number in the format (07xxxxxxxx) This question requires a valid number format.
11. Education Level Attained *This question is required.
12. Employment Status *This question is required.