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Innovation Hub - Y3 - Registration Form

Innovation Hub-Y3

Survey Description:
Acceptance in this program grants you 50 HRs access to our labs to develop your idea. You may request longer access in future. 
As a prerequisite, applicants to this program are expected to have successfully built a proof-of-concept prototype for their work.

Data Protection Policy:
What will we do with the data? The data collected from this survey will be used for tracking of your engagement in the program and evaluating the program’s performance. Your answers will be treated confidentially, and what you wrote will not be revealed to others besides the people of the monitoring and evaluation of the program. Your study data will be handled as confidentially as possible, and all procedures are compliant with Jordanian Privacy Laws. If results of this study are published or presented, individual names and other personally identifiable information will not be used.
2. Name *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid number format.
6. Gender *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
Please enter your number in the format (07xxxxxxxx) This question requires a valid number format.
Please enter your number in the format (07xxxxxxxx) This question requires a valid number format.
12. Education Level Attained *This question is required.
13. Employment Status *This question is required.
What technological lab do you wish to get access to? *This question is required.