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Early career lawyer diversity survey

Welcome to our early career lawyer diversity survey in collaboration with Gowling WLG (UK) LLP, sponsor of LawCareers.Net's Diversity Hub. The aim of this survey is to better understand your experiences and perceptions of diversity in law - how you feel your background can help or hinder you, and your opinion of law firm diversity and inclusion (D&I) policies.

None of the questions are mandatory, and responses are anonymous. After the survey closes, we'll be aggregating the results to form a report that will appear online at LawCareers.Net.
Demographic questions

First is a series of questions about your background. None of these are mandatory.
1. What racial or ethnic group best describes you?
2. What is your sexuality?
3. What is your gender?
4. Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex assigned at birth?
5. What type of secondary school did you attend?
7. Did your parents attend university?
8. What best describes your current situation?
Your (future) career

This section of the survey seeks to understand what impact you feel your background may have on your legal career. For the below questions there's a comment box to expand on your answer in any way you'd like, but it's optional to do so.
9. To what extent do you feel the below aspects of your background have had an impact on your ability to access and develop a career in law?
Space Cell A strong negative impactA negative impactNeutral/No impactA positive impactA strong positive impact
My racial/ethnic background
My sex
My sexuality
My gender identity
My class background
The type of school I went to
9. To what extent do you feel the below aspects of your background will have an impact on your ability to access and develop a career in law?
Space Cell A strong negative impactA negative impactNeutral/No impactA positive impactA strong positive impact
My racial/ethnic background
My sex
My sexuality
My gender identity
My class background
The type of school I went to
9. How far do you agree/disagree with the below statements?
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree
People generally have an equal chance at progressing how they'd like in a legal career, regardless of background
Law firms still often contain 'old boys clubs'
People generally have an equal chance at entering the legal profession, regardless of background
People who attended a Russell Group university have a better chance at making partner
Law firm diversity and inclusion (D&I)

These questions are about your perceptions and knowledge of law firm D&I initiatives
10. To what extent do you (dis)agree with the below statements?
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree
Firms are doing enough to promote D&I in the profession
Firms are sincere in their promotion of D&I initiatives
A firm's openness about D&I increases my interest in working there
I would seek out information about a firm's gender pay gap if considering a job
I would seek out information about a firm's D&I measures and reporting if considering a job
11. Do you feel that the partners at your firm understand the need for D&I and the reason for D&I policies?
11. Do you feel that your firm is doing enough in terms of D&I initiatives?
Thanks for taking part - your insights and experiences are much appreciated. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for the results to appear on our website.

You can find out what’s happening in the legal profession in terms of diversity and inclusion with LawCareers.Net’s Diversity hub, sponsored by Gowling WLG (UK) LLP.