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Scotland - What's Your Sleepio Story? - Q3 2022

Scotland Sleepio Feedback Survey

Thank you for choosing to share your story.

By choosing to share your experience with Sleepio, you'll help us bring millions back to good mental health by explaining to other people suffering from poor sleep how Sleepio might help them.

In this survey you'll be able to choose how you'd like your story to be shared. It should take around 5 minutes for you to complete depending on how much information you'd like to share. 

If you've shared your story before, no worries! Just give us an update on how you're doing since Sleepio and you'll be entered in the draw again.

We will not share your contact details with anyone else without your permission.
This question requires a valid number format.
7. Please select how you'd like your story to be shared
(Select more than one option if you're happy to participate in multiple ways) *This question is required.
11. Have you discussed your sleep problems with any of the following people? *This question is required.
15. Has your sleep improved since using Sleepio? *This question is required.
Not at allVery Much
17. We may use your story for promotional purposes including use in the press, video testimonials & sharing with NHS leaders. Please select if you are happy for your story to be shared.

We will never pass on your details or story without your permission.  *This question is required.