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UK Data Protection Index


The UK Data Protection Index

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the UK Data Protection Index. All responses provided will remain confidential. Only aggregate results will be published, so your individual responses will never be made public or be attributable to you or your organisation.

The UK DP Index is a ‘panel’ based survey. If you qualify for entry onto the panel, we will request that you provide basic information about you and your role, followed by your opinion on a range of subjects specific to data protection. It is these opinion questions that we then ask you to update on a quarterly basis, therefore enabling the index to map trends and provide unique and valuable insight into how our fascinating industry is evolving.

Given the index is designed to track how opinions evolve over time, your continued periodic input is a requirement of membership. Incentives will be made available to panel members, however it is important to understand that this is a rolling, rather than one-off survey and therefore only panel members who update their responses on an ongoing basis will be permitted to remain a member.

We require certain basic personal information to enrol you into the DP Index, which will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.