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Stress Awareness Quiz 2022

Stress Awareness Month has been set up to raise awareness of the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. 

As part of Stress Awareness Month 2022, we have created this quiz - we hope you will enjoy it!

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A small amount of stress can be useful.
Correct! Sometimes, a small amount of stress can help us to complete tasks and feel more energized. But stress can become a problem when it lasts for a long time or is very intense. In some cases, stress can affect our physical and mental health.
Incorrect! A small amount of stress can actually be useful for you. It can help us complete tasks and feel more energized. But stress can become a problem when it lasts for a long time or is very intense. In some cases, stress can affect our physical and mental health.
2. Mindfulness is a type of meditation to help you to be aware of the present moment and pay attention to it.
Correct! Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one's attention in the present moment. 
3. Colouring is a mindfulness exercise.
4. Stress and anxiety are the same thing.
Incorrect! Simply put, stress is a reaction to something happening now, while anxiety is a reaction to something that may happen in the future.
Correct! Simply put, stress is a reaction to something happening now, while anxiety is a reaction to something that may happen in the future.
5. Your "stress response" prepares your body to:
Incorrect! If you run across a lion in the jungle, your stress response sends more oxygen to your brain, tenses your muscles, and makes your heart beat faster. This is supposed to make you more alert and prepared for action: the "fight-or-fight" response. 
6. Being stressed all the time can help you fight off colds.

If it goes on for too long, it's called chronic stress. And in addition to making you more likely to have viral infections, it can also cause digestive and sleep problems. 
7. What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)?

CBT is a therapy that can help you manage your thought patterns.
8. People who exercise regularly are more likely to be stressed.
Incorrect! Just 30mins of moderate exercise a day can help boost your mood and limit the negative effects of stress.
9. Struggling to cope with stress may include:
Incorrect! All three options are correct.
10. You can practise mindfulness by doing your own body scan.
Correct! Body scan is where you move your attention slowly through different parts of your body. Start from the top of your head and move all the way down to the end of your toes. You could focus on feelings of warmth, tension, tingling or relaxation of different parts of your body.
Incorrect! Body scan is where you move your attention slowly through different parts of your body. Start from the top of your head and move all the way down to the end of your toes. You could focus on feelings of warmth, tension, tingling or relaxation of different parts of your body.