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Survey on scope of Supplier Finance Arrangements

General information

We welcome your participation in the survey on ED/2021/10 Supplier Finance Arrangements.

Please note that information marked with * is required. If not stated otherwise there is only one possible choice per question.
1. Please provide the following information: *information is required
This question requires a valid email address.
2. Type of respondent
3. May we contact you if we have questions about your response? *This question is required.
4. Please note that your comments (except for your email address and whether you can be contacted) will be posted on EFRAG’s website unless you request confidentiality.  Such requests will not normally be granted unless supported by good reasons, for example, that the information that you provide is commercially sensitive. Please see our website for details on this and how we use your personal data here. If you want to request confidentiality, please indicate this below and provide your reason. Do you want to request confidentiality? *This question is required.