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Kaleidoscope brand September 2021

Thank you so much for taking time to fill out this survey for us. It really won’t take long - about 6 minutes. 

Why are we doing this? 

We want to improve how we communicate and to make content that is interesting and useful. We are so delighted to see how many people now follow us on different channels, the least we can do is ask how we can make the experience better. 

If you need more of an incentive to fill this in, it is our birthday this week and we are keen to spread some birthday joy, so anyone who enters stands a chance of being sent a beautiful cake. 

If you have any questions, or would like to give us more feedback then please do get in touch email

Thank you SO much for taking part.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself please. What best describes you? *This question is required.
2. How did you first hear about Kaleidoscope? *This question is required.
3. What is your relationship with Kaleidoscope now? (please tick all that apply) *This question is required.
4. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Kaleidoscope to a friend or colleague? *This question is required.
1- very unlikely10- extremely likely
6. We try to make sure the way we communicate is human, accessible and jargon free - do you think that our style
7. What 3 words would you use to describe Kaleidoscope?
8. Which of the following services do you most closely associate with Kaleidoscope? Please choose 4
12. If we started an Instagram account would you follow it?
13.  Have you worked with us as a client?
14. How important was our ‘not-for-profit’ status in your decision to work with us?
14. To what extent did our mission to create a future that is kinder, connected and more joyful influence your choice to work with us?
14. In your opinion, in terms of cost, do you consider our work provided
15. If you want to be entered into the draw to be sent a gorgeous cake, please add your name and email address. 

Don’t worry, we will only use this information to let you know if you've won they cake and to get the delivery address and dietary requirements.