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Share your #YSHive Experience

Let us know about your experience of our #YSHive service!

#YSHive was developed through the amazing feedback and ideas that Young Scot volunteers have contributed over the past few years, with the aim of supporting young people to volunteer on projects with their peers from across Scotland.

#YSHive volunteers have the chance to create a fairer, more sustainable world for their friends, communities and future generations. Whether you're interested in equality, climate change, housing, education or everything in-between, we want to help you create a movement for change.

As part of our research to make #YSHive the best it can be, we want to hear about your experience. FIll in this survey and earn 150 Young Scot Reward points!

1. I'm happy for Young Scot and its trusted partners to use my anonymous response in reports, publications and on social media. *This question is required.