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Child/Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse – Your views on available support/provision


Ecorys and partners at the University of Hull and the University of Roehampton have been commissioned by the London Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) to carry out a comprehensive needs assessment of Child / Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) in London. As part of the research study, Ecorys is collecting information about the different interventions and services across London that are working to address CAPVA. The main purposes of this survey are the following:
  • gain a deeper understanding of the service provision landscape in place to address CAPVA in London
  • identify practitioners who would be willing to participate in an interview in the next phase of the research
This information will help us map existing services and interventions to address CAPVA in relation to Metropolitan police data on CAPVA incidences as well as enable us to interview practitioners in more depth about their views and experiences supporting young people and / or families affected by CAPVA.

For the purposes of this study, we refer to the cross-Government definition of domestic violence and abuse: “any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass, but is not limited to psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional abuse”. While this definition applies to those aged 16 or above, CAPVA can equally involve children under 16, and the scope of our research study reflects this, with no lower age limit on children.

The research is being carried out in full compliance with all relevant data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). The information sheet and full privacy notice for the study is attached to the email you received with the link to the survey. You can also access the privacy notice by clicking this link:

If you agree to participate in the research study, please press 'Next' to start the questionnaire.