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Phase C Evaluation Questionnaire for Civil Protection Authorities of NEAMWave21

Evaluation Questionnaire FOR CPA

This survey is a follow up to the NEAMWave21 Tsunami Exercise. You are requested to fill in the survey in your capacity as a Civil Protection Agency or Emergency Management Organization who  participated in  Phase C of the NEAMWave21 tsunami exercise.

Your responses are very important in order to further evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of NEAMWave21 and the results will be used to further improve NEAMTWS and plan for future exercises.

Please note that all times should be provided in Universal Time in HH:MM:SS format, where applicable.

1. Did you take part in Phase C requesting assistance? If not, please continue from question No 8 (For countries Offering assistance)
For Countries Requesting Assistance
2. Did you find it difficult to formulate the request for assistance?
Did you use the template provided in the “Host Nation Support Guidelines”?
3. Was there a need to submit additional information to further specify the request?
If yes, did the ERCC provide you with a guideline in short time?
5. Did you find the process of accepting the offers burdensome, complex or not efficient enough?
For Countries Offering Assistance
6. Did the Request for Assistance contain all elements that you need in order to make a decision to offer assistance?
7. Had the ERCC transmitted all relevant information effectively to you in a timely manner?
9. Was the procedure of activation of assets in Voluntary Pool clear and easy to follow?
10. Did you find the process of offering assistance burdensome, complex or not efficient enough?
For all Countries Participating in Phase C
11. Did you find the exercise useful in terms of understanding the EUCP Mechanism and its activation procedures?
12. Have you and/or your institution been contacted by media concerning the exercise before/during/after the exercise?