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英文ありコロナ対策下での生徒の意見に関する調査(日本版) - copy - copy



そこで、新型コロナウイルス対策が必要となる前(およそ 6 ヶ月前)と、休校・活動制限期間中(例:校舎が閉鎖された期間)に、生徒の声がどのように表現され、耳を傾けられ、評価されていたかについて調査を行うこととしました。


第一次締め切り 11月20日 その後も年内は回答を受け付ける予定です。

UNESCO and Council of Europe recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic placed great strain on students, teachers and the education system. Part of identifying the impact of the pandemic is to understand how student participation, or 'student voice', has been affected. Student voice can vary from simple self-expression to taking on a leading role in an aspect of school life.

We will therefore ask you some questions about how student voice was expressed, heard and valued before the pandemic (6 months prior to COVID-19) and during the closure and confinement period (e.g. when school buildings were closed).

If your school did not close during the pandemic, please answer the questions in relation to the period of time worst affected by the crisis.




The outcomes of this survey will feed into the content of the joint conference to be organised in cooperation between
UNESCO and the Council of Europe on 23-25 November 2020 under the title:

‘From making student voice heard to active civic participation: The role of schools in the digital age’.

Teachers who participate in this survey, will also be invited to participate in the conference online. Some school projects may be selected to be presented during the conference.
Consent statement:




                 宇都宮大学共同教育学部 教授 長谷川万由美